Quinnipiac University Law

Quinnipiac Law Forms and Policies

Please download and print from the list below. All forms and documents are in PDF format. In addition, please review the standards for satisfactory academic progress for law students.

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Verification is a selection process used to confirm certain information you provided on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Verification can be designated either by the U.S. Department of Education or by the university. The following are some common reasons you may be selected for verification.

  • Random selection
  • Incomplete FAFSA data
  • Estimated information
  • Inconsistent FAFSA information

If your FAFSA is selected for verification, our office will contact you via e-mail to request the appropriate documentation such as federal income tax transcripts or tax returns with all schedules, W-2 statements and various worksheets to confirm the data submitted on the FAFSA. You cannot receive your financial aid disbursements until the verification process is complete, so it is important to respond quickly.

If you are having difficulty in providing the requested information or have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact our office for assistance.

Standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress

Law students who wish to receive assistance through any federal, state or institutionally supported grant, loan or work program must comply with the following Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards as determined by Quinnipiac University School of Law.

SAP measures both the quality and the rate of progress toward the Juris Doctor degree. For this policy, the academic year includes the fall and spring semesters as well as the preceding summer. Students enrolled in joint degree programs must meet the SAP guidelines for both programs.* All periods of enrollment count towards assessing progress, whether or not a student received Title IV funds. Students who fail to comply are not eligible for financial aid.

For Students Beginning in Fall 2024 or Later

SAP is measured once per year at the end of the spring semester for all active students beginning in the Fall 2024 semester or later using the factors below:

Qualitative Measurement (GPA): 

The quality of a student’s academic work. All law students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 at the end of the student’s first academic year, a 2.1 for students attempting 36 credits or more, and a 2.2 for a student with 54 attempted credits or more. GPAs will be calculated to 3 decimal points and will not be rounded. Transfer credits and courses with grade of “Pass” do not factor into the grade point average. Courses with grades of “Fail” will factor into the grade point average as they are counted as 0 in the calculation. Repeated courses will be counted in GPA in addition to the original grade. Incomplete and withdrawn classes do not have an affect on the GPA.

Quantitative Measurement (Pace)

The rate of a student’s progress towards a degree. Successful completion measures credits earned, not credits attempted. Students must successfully complete 67% of the coursework attempted each academic year (Summer, Fall and Spring)

  • Courses with a grade of “Pass” are counted as earned credits; courses with a grade of “Fail” are considered as attempted but not earned.

  • Incomplete and withdrawn courses are counted as attempted but not earned.

  • Audited credits and those that are dropped during the published add/drop periods are not considered attempted credits.

  • Transfer credits are accepted as both attempted and earned.

  • In Progress grades are not counted as attempted or earned.

  • Repeated courses are included as attempted courses.

Regardless of your academic standing, students may not receive financial aid for more than 150% of their published program length. Each term you are enrolled in school will count towards the 150% calculation even for terms when you do not receive financial aid. For example, the JD program requires 86 credit hours x 1.5 = 129 is the maximum allowable credit hours attempted to qualify for financial aid.

Students whose performance or progress does not meet the required standards will be notified by the Director of Financial Aid via email and will be considered ineligible for aid, including federal, state, institutional and most private loans.

Please note: Both the qualitative and quantitative measurements indicate the requirements for SAP for financial aid purposes and may not reflect the law school’s required cumulative grade point average and the recommended number of credits to be taken each semester according to the academic catalog.

Implementation of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Since summer enrollment begins prior to SAP being reviewed, summer financial aid will be based on the student’s academic progress at the time of the award. If it is subsequently determined that the student was not maintaining SAP, all undisbursed aid will be cancelled. Notice regarding SAP will be given:

  • At the end of June for students with a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file for the upcoming year.

  • Within three weeks of a FASFA being on file for students who did not have a FAFSA on file when SAP was reviewed. Please notify the Office of Financial Aid if you file your FAFSA after the beginning of the semester.

Appeal Process

Students may appeal their loss of aid based on extenuating circumstances (death, divorce, illness, etc.). Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Director of Financial Aid and the Associate Dean of Academics and will be reviewed by the Academic Status Committee. Appeals should include documentation of the extenuating circumstances, explain what has changed and describe how the student plans to make satisfactory academic progress in the future. If the appeal includes information falling under Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972, the committee is required to disclose it to the University Title IX coordinator to determine eligibility for financial aid. Additional appeals will not be considered.

Review the Title IX policy

  • Appeal Granted: If an appeal is granted, the student will be placed on financial aid probation for one semester and an academic plan will be prescribed for the student to follow. The student’s academic progress will be reviewed at the end of the probationary semester and they must have met the conditions of the academic plan to receive financial aid moving forward. A student who fails to meet these conditions will lose eligibility for financial aid. Additional appeals will not be considered.

  • No Appeal/Appeal Denied: Students who do not appeal or whose appeal is denied will not regain financial aid eligibility until all the required SAP standards are met. Reinstatement of financial aid is not automatic and a subsequent review of a student’s progress is done only at the request of the student. Summer courses completed after SAP is determined may be considered in repairing deficiencies.

For Students Beginning in Fall 2023 or Prior

SAP is measured once per year at the end of the spring semester for all active students beginning in the Fall 2023 semester or prior using the factors below:

Qualitative Measurement (GPA): 

The quality of a student’s academic work. All law students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 1.8 at the end of the student’s first year and a 2.0 at the end of the second year and beyond. GPAs will be calculated to 3 decimal points and will not be rounded. Transfer credits and courses with grade of “Pass” do not factor into the grade point average. Courses with grades of “Fail” will factor into the grade point average as they are counted as 0 in the calculation. Repeated courses will be counted in GPA in addition to the original grade. Incomplete or withdrawn classes do not have an affect on the GPA.

Quantitative Measurement (Pace)

The rate of a student’s progress towards a degree. Successful completion measures credits earned, not credits attempted. Students must successfully complete 67% of the coursework attempted each academic year (Summer, Fall and Spring)

  • Courses with a grade of “Pass” are counted as earned credits; courses with a grade of “Fail” are considered as attempted but not earned.

  • Incomplete and withdrawn courses are counted as attempted but not earned.

  • Audited credits and those that are dropped during the published add/drop periods are not considered attempted credits.

  • Transfer credits are accepted as both attempted and earned.

  • In Progress grades are not counted as attempted or earned.

  • Repeated courses are included as attempted courses.

Regardless of your academic standing, students may not receive financial aid for more than 150% of their published program length. Each term you are enrolled in school will count towards the 150% calculation even for terms when you do not receive financial aid. For example, the JD program requires 86 credit hours, and 150% equates to 129 as the maximum allowable credit hours attempted to qualify for financial aid.

Students whose performance or progress does not meet the required standards will be notified by the Director of Financial Aid via email and will be considered ineligible for aid, including federal, state, institutional and most private loans.

Please note: Both the qualitative and quantitative measurements indicate the requirements for SAP for financial aid purposes and may not reflect the law school’s required cumulative grade point average and the recommended number of credits to be taken each semester according to the academic catalog.

Implementation of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Since summer enrollment begins prior to SAP being reviewed, summer financial aid will be based on the student’s academic progress at the time of the award. If it is subsequently determined that the student was not maintaining SAP, all undisbursed aid will be cancelled. Notice regarding SAP will be given:

  • At the end of June for students with a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file for the upcoming year.

  • Within three weeks of a FASFA being on file for students who did not have a FAFSA on file when SAP was reviewed. Please notify the Office of Financial Aid if you file your FAFSA after the beginning of the semester.

Appeal Process

Students may appeal their loss of aid based on extenuating circumstances (death, divorce, illness, etc.). Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Director of Financial Aid and the Associate Dean of Academics and will be reviewed by the Academic Status Committee. Appeals should include documentation of the extenuating circumstances, explain what has changed and describe how the student plans to make satisfactory academic progress in the future. If the appeal includes information falling under Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972, the committee is required to disclose it to the University Title IX coordinator. 

Review the Title IX policy

  • Appeal Granted: If an appeal is granted, the student will be placed on financial aid probation for one semester and an academic plan will be prescribed for the student to follow. The student’s academic progress will be reviewed at the end of the probationary semester and they must have met the conditions of the academic plan to receive financial aid moving forward. A student who fails to meet these conditions will lose eligibility for financial aid. Additional appeals will not be considered.

  • No Appeal/Appeal Denied: Students who do not appeal or whose appeal is denied will not regain financial aid eligibility until all the required SAP standards are met. Reinstatement of financial aid is not automatic and a subsequent review of a student’s progress is done only at the request of the student. Summer courses completed after SAP is determined may be considered in repairing deficiencies.

*For students in joint degree programs with Vermont Law and Graduate School (“Vermont”): SAP will be calculated by Vermont for the Masters portion of the program and you will be subject to their policies and procedures regarding that degree.

For students in the JD/MBA or JD/MSW program at Quinnipiac: SAP will be calculated by law and graduate financial aid.

If it is determined that you are not making SAP in either program, your appeal will be reviewed by the law school’s Academic Status Committee. The committee may reach out to the faculty/administration of the other program with questions or concerns about your progress. If an appeal is granted, you will need to follow an academic plan for the degree program in which you did not meet the SAP requirements. This may be either or both programs.

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Please note our mailing address differs from our physical address. Please address all mail to 275 Mount Carmel Avenue, LW-ADM, Hamden, CT 06518.