Quinnipiac University Law

Quinnipiac Law Costs and Budgets

Below you'll find direct and indirect costs and budgets for the JD program.

Costs and Budgets

Full-Time JD Costs of Attendance and Budget 2024–25
Cost or Fee Off-Campus Budget Parent(s) Home Budget
Total $84,804 $75,920
Tuition $54,960 $54,960
Fees $1,120 $1,120
Books and Supplies $1,600 $1,600
Living Allowance    
Housing $13,360 $4,476
Food $4,280 $4,280
Misc. Expenses $6,317 $6,317
Transportation $2,961 $2,961
Loan Fees $206 $206

These costs reflect 2024-25 charges. The full-time budget is based on 12–15 credits per semester for a flat rate ($27,480 per semester). Student fees cover the experiences and services that complement and support academics. Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Amounts listed for books, living costs and transportation expenses are estimated allowances that are not part of a student’s bill but are included for budgeting.

Determining Cost of Attendance

For full-time and part-time students

“Cost of Attendance” typically refers to all the expenses associated with attending law school, including not only items directly charged by the university such as tuition and fees (direct costs) but also the cost of rent, food, transportation, books and supplies, personal items, miscellaneous items and loan fees (indirect costs).

The Cost of Attendance figure represents expenditures for a nine-month academic year at Quinnipiac University School of Law. It also represents the maximum financial aid, including scholarships and loans you may receive for that academic period. The 2024–25 budget fairly represents average costs for our students.

Keeping the annual Cost of Attendance in mind, you should construct your own budget for living expenses. This will assist you in tracking your expenses to better manage your money while in law school. You not only will have an idea of the funding you will need, but also be aware of the amount you will be borrowing in student loans.

When developing Cost of Attendance budgets, the Office of Financial Aid relies on federal guidelines. Consideration for budget increases for childcare costs, healthcare issues, and additional credits must be requested in writing and should include appropriate supporting documentation. Listed below is additional information concerning the Cost of Attendance components.

Your overall individual costs will vary depending upon the number of textbooks purchased, number of roommates, proximity to campus, etc.

The annual tuition charge for full-time students enrolled between 12–15 credits per semester is $54,960 ($27,480 per semester).

Students enrolled for 11 credits or less will be charged $1,920 per credit.

Students who enroll for more than 15 credits in a semester will be charged $27,480 plus $1,920 for each credit over 15 credits.

Full-time students are charged $420 per semester for student fees. Part-time students are charged $45 per credit for student fees, not to exceed $405 per semester. A student bar fee of $180 is payable once each year, one-half in the fall semester and one-half in the spring semester. Students are also required to pay a $50 per semester technology fee. The student health insurance premium is payable once each year in the fall semester and is not automatically included in the cost of attendance, as you may choose to waive it. If requested, this cost may be added to your cost of attendance budget for additional loan consideration. Full-time students incur a $260 dining charge per semester to spend on campus in any Chartwells food facilities.

A standard allowance of $1,600 (full-time) and $1,300 (part-time) is provided for the annual expense of books and supplies. In addition, to use educational loan funding to help offset the expense of a computer purchase, you may receive a one-time increase to your cost of attendance during your law school academic career to cover the cost of purchasing a computer. The maximum allowance is $1,500. In order to be considered a valid "education-related" expense, the purchase of a computer must occur within the 2024/2025 academic year (August - May) and you must present the receipt documenting the cost. For first-year students, we will honor purchases made up to four weeks before the start of classes.

These expenses are calculated based on data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey for the Northeast and reflects increases in the Consumer Price Index as calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The budgets do not include your living expenses for the summer and do not include other debt. The living allowance assumed you are living with a roommate which is suggested to help curtail expenses. 

This amount is based on data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey for the Northeast and reflects increases in the Consumer Price Index as calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The transportation allowance does not take into consideration expenses related to owning a car or relocating to Connecticut.

Based on a 1.057% origination fee charged on the average law school total borrowed through the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans last award period. Graduate plus fees are added by request based on individual borrowing. 

For students in their final year of study, the cost of attendance includes an additional amount for the cost of professional licensure (the cost to register for the bar exam). This is based on the Connecticut bar exam cost as that is where most of our students sit for the bar. The amount included is $925. Students taking the bar in other states may reach out to the Office of Financial aid with proof of their costs to have this amount increased. The cost of professional licensure does not provide for bar preparation courses, only the cost to register for the exam.

Financial Literacy

Quinnipiac University School of Law takes seriously our responsibility to prepare you for a successful professional future. As such, we want to ensure you know about the resources available to you as you navigate your financial aid, loan decisions, and repayment options throughout your law school journey.

We partner with AccessLex Institute®, the largest nonprofit organization in the country focusing on access, affordability and the value of legal education, to bring you the following free resources:

Contact Us

Please note our mailing address differs from our physical address. Please address all mail to 275 Mount Carmel Avenue, LW-ADM, Hamden, CT 06518.